EdUHK Promotes Cultural Inclusion on Campus
As part of The Education University of Hong Kong’s (EdUHK) efforts to promote internationalisation and cultural inclusion, a series of cultural events have been arranged to engage faculty members and students from around the world. To kick-start this year’s series, the Global Affairs Office held the Cultural Day 2021 on 22 October on campus.
Exchange students from mainland China, Denmark, Germany, India, Japan, South Korea, Norway, Pakistan, Spain and Switzerland, as well as EdUHK international tutors and local buddies, dressed up in traditional costumes and introduced cultural activities. There were demonstrations of traditional Chinese dance, Bollywood-style mass dance and a performance of the Chinese instrument yangqin. Students also promoted their cultures through games and handicraft tutorials.
Underscoring the theme of ‘Learn Globally@EdUHK’, the University will continue to enhance cultural learning and sharing, as well as facilitating cultural diversity and closer integration through a wide range of intercultural activities in the future.