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EdUHK Launches "One City One Book 2024" Campaign Promoting a Citywide Reading Culture

The Department of Literature and Cultural Studies (LCS) and the International Centre for Cultural Studies (IRCCS) at The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) has announced the launch of the "One City One Book Hong Kong 2024" campaign, which will take place from September to December this year. This year’s selected book is the novel The History of the Adventures of Vivi and Vera. The project will also celebrate the picture book My Museum. The aim of the campaign is to encourage the public to read together and explore the meanings behind these works.  

The History of the Adventures of Vivi and Vera, was written by Hong Kong author Dung Kai-cheung, and My Museum was created by the local illustrator Joanne Liu. Coincidentally, both authors have used vivid and creative writing styles to spark readers’ curiosity and imagination.

Starting from September, free excerpts from The History of the Adventures of Vivi and Vera will be offered to the public. The novel intertwines two storylines: a cross-generational family history and a journey within the author's imagined world. At the intersection of these storylines, Dung Kai-cheung delves into the blurred boundaries between reality and fiction, experience and history, traditional craftsmanship and modern technology.

My Museum uses colourful illustrations to depict a young boy's fantastical experience in a museum, allowing readers to discover the ubiquity of art through a child's perspective.

The Director of One City One Book Hong Kong, Dr Jeffrey Clapp, Associate Professor of LCS, hopes to foster a love of reading and create a cohesive community through a shared appreciation of literature and art.

EdUHK first organised the One City One Book Hong Kong campaign, a community reading initiative in 2019, aiming to enhance the reading experience and promote interaction by encouraging people from different backgrounds and professions to participate in communal reading activities. To maximise the impact of the campaign, a series of activities related to the chosen books will be held, including discussions of the book and its themes, alongside exhibitions, school activities, cultural performances and library events. The aims of the initiative are to build a sense of community and promote a culture of reading.

For more information, please visit the official website of "One City One Book Hong Kong" at, or its Facebook page at, and the Instagram account (onecityonebookhk).