1st EdUHK International Conference for Research in Early Childhood Education and Development Puts Hong Kong ECE in the Spotlight
To bring together local, regional, and international Early Childhood Education (ECE) practitioners and researchers, The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) hosted the 1st International Conference for Research in Early Childhood Education and Development (InCRECE 2024) between 1st and 3rd June.
The aim of the conference was to affirm the ECE sector of its critical role in society and bringing together knowledge, expertise and ideas regarding ECE, to support and inspire one another.
The theme of InCRECE 2024, ‘Ecologies for Development and Learning: Supporting Children to Reach their Full Potential’, highlighted the role of the environment and key stakeholder groups in ensuring children’s well-being.
There were more than 500 participants from 19 countries on hand, and the conference featured eight renowned keynote speakers: Professor Bridget Hamre, Professor Susan Irvine, Dr Jessie Lam, Professor Gustavo Carlo, Professor Lei Chang, Professor Roberta Golinkoff, Professor Kerry Lee and Professor Pirjo Aunio. With 130 paper presentations, 50 poster presentations, nine symposiums, and a Global Summit Roundtable led by ECE Chair Professor Philip Li, this event was one of the largest ECE conferences ever to be held in Hong Kong.
In his opening remarks, to welcome the participants, EdUHK President Professor John Lee Chi-Kin said, “The growth and development of a child are not isolated occurrences but rather deeply intertwined with the environments and contexts in which they learn. Our responsibility is to cultivate nurturing, inclusive and stimulating ecosystems that foster their holistic development and learning. This conference serves as a platform for early childhood educators, leaders, researchers, policymakers, and curriculum designers to engage in meaningful dialogues.”
Professor Kerry Lee, Head of Department of Early Childhood Education said, “The InCRECE 2024 conference brings together the ECE community in Hong Kong SAR and around the world to engage in thoughtful discussion and to forge new collaboration. We hope this will provide a boost to the ECE sector and remind every ECE professional and researcher that their contributions are vital and indispensable. Together, we can build a better world for our children.”
About InCRECE 2024, please visit the website at https://www.increce-eduhk.com.