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Terms of Reference


Membership (Last update: 2 September 2024)



Non-staff Council Member

Mr Kennedy LIU Tat-yin



Up to 3 non-staff Council Members

Dr Henry HO Kin-chung

Mr KWOK Wing-keung, BBS, MH, JP 

Up to 2 External Members

Professor Horace IP Ho-shing, MH


In Attendance *   


Professor John LEE Chi-Kin, JP    

Vice President (Administration)Dr Tom FONG Wing-ho 
Director of FinanceMr Edmond KUO Hoi 
Adviser to the President (Quality Assurance and Risk Management)Mr Armen LAU Kit-man 
Associate Director of Estates (Functional Title)Mr Raymond HO Lai-man 


A staff member from the Offices of the President

Ms Vivien LIU Wai-yuen    


* on a need basis, subject to the advice of the Senior Management