
Kris Hartley博士獲富布萊特學人獎

Dr Kris Hartley, Assistant Professor at the Department of Asian and Policy Studies (APS), The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK), will embark on a six-month teaching fellowship at the Chiang Mai University (CMU) School of Public Policy in Thailand, where he will teach courses on public policy and smart cities.



2019 marks the tenth year since the first Asia Leadership Roundtable (ALR) was held in Hong Kong. Under the theme “The First Decade of Asian Research on School Leadership in a Global Context”, more than 60 international and regional researchers from 17 societies on five continents gathered in Guilin, Guangxi Province, on 10-12 March.


教大EASE Fund培育首批初創企業

香港教育大學(教大)早前宣布成立「教育與社會企業家基金(EASE Fund)計劃」,邀請有意投身初創的學生和校友申請種子基金。校方今日舉行決賽及頒獎禮,選出三支隊伍,每隊獲頒12萬元創業基金,實踐初創夢想。
