The Integrated Centre for Wellbeing at The Education University of Hong Kong has been awarded a HK$10 million government contract to run two-year mental health programmes for Hong Kong schools commencing this September. This includes elementary and in-depth courses for around 2,000 teachers.

Solomon Au Yeung Hok-him, a part-time student in the Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Primary) programme at The Education University of Hong Kong, was recently named one of 15 Young Poets by the poetry periodical Shikan* (《诗刊》) in mainland China.

Dr Joe Pong Hok-ko, a graduate of the Doctor of Education (EdD) programme with a specialisation in Life and Values Education (LVE) at The Education University of Hong Kong, published two articles in the International Journal of Children’s Spirituality.

Four local students and one mainland student at The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) received the Hong Kong Jockey Club (HKJC) Scholarship at the Presentation Ceremony cum Graduation Celebration Dinner on 10 July 2018, attended by Professor Lui Tai-lok, Vice President (Research and Development), and Professor Winnie So Wing-mui, Chairperson of the Committee on Scholarships and Prizes at EdUHK.