研讨会: "Integrating Extramural English In Improving English Learners’ Speaking" and "Slower Is Sometimes Faster: Desirable Difficulties In Teaching And Learning"
09:30 - 12:00
(852) 2948 7424
The "Public Lecture Series 2021" is organised by the Department of English Language Education to a wide audience of teachers and the general public whose interest spans both English language learning and the general topic of language. The following topics will be covered in this session:
"Integrating Extramural English In Improving English Learners’ Speaking", by Dr Lee Ju-seong, Associate Head, Department of English Language Education, The Education University of Hong Kong; and Ms Mary Beth Osburn and Ms Emma Yeung, Fukien Secondary School (Siu Sai Wan)
"Slower Is Sometimes Faster: Desirable Difficulties In Teaching And Learning", by Dr John Rogers, Assistant Professor, Department of English Language Education, The Education University of Hong Kong
E-certificates of attendance will be issued to participants.
For event details, please visit www.eduhk.hk/ele/pls.